Palm Tree Workshops invited gallery artist Jessica Backhaus and Robert Morat to host a workshop on the beautiful island of Santorini/Greece in fall, October 3-7! Applications are now open!

During this workshop, the participants will receive some insight into a long term relationship between an artist and her gallery. Jessica Backhaus will talk about her work, her inspirations and guide you through the process of creating new work. As a galerist, Robert Morat has been representing Jessica‘s work for almost 15 years and will try to share his experiences in the international art market and answer any question you could possibly have: How to approach a gallery, how to prepare a portfolio, what to expect and which mistakes to avoid. Together with the participants, they will discuss the process of editing, sequencing, image selection and presentation, working with your material and the images you create during the workshop on Santorini.

For more info, please click the link!

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